***Ashley's letter this week mostly a response to the questions I asked her in my letter***
Mother!!!!!! Halloos Mommy I loooooooove you!!!!!!!
Man, SO MUCH happened this week I have no idea where to even start!!! Haha but I am SO HAPPY!!!! YAY!!!! PS. you and dad are so cute! Four-wheeling buddies!!!! And it sounds like you had a super fun week! Make sure to hug Sister Bodine for me! And the Chudleighs are moving back??? YAY!!! That’s a miracle!!! Oh my gosh! And how is Anna doing?? She’s turned into quite the adventurer hasn’t she?? Aw, I love my fam bam!
Okay so your questions!!
1. No I haven't got your next package, but I will probably get it this week!
2. Hmmmmm requests..... man I don’t have any really! I am just super duper happy! But more Jesus cards maybe! I love giving them away! I write the steps of prayer on the back so when we teach people to pray, they choose a picture of the Savior!!! They're beautiful!!!
3. My area.... well.... the thing is, I feel like I see lots of miracles, but at the same time nothing is really happening! We now don't have any progressing investigators because they all bailed on attending church, and we don't have anyone with a date either... but the good news is we taught TONS of lessons this week and found 5 new investigators! That's a TON for us! So there's lots of potential!!! I really hope I don't get transferred though! There is so much I have to do still here! But the odds are VERY high that'll I will stay since my compi is leaving!!
4. MIRACLES!!!! OH my how can you ask a question like that?! There are SO many miracles EVERY DAY!!!! Haha okay but I will tell you just a few!!! SO this week! First of all we found Ma., a menos activo, and taught him, his girlfriend, and daughter, and they want us to come back! And that wasn't in our plans at all!!! Also, we had a lesson with Mo., and Hermana T was going to come accompany us and she wasn't there, but this other menos activo kid who is 19 ran into us, but he knows Hermana T, and he probably wouldn't have talked to us without her there! MAN, GOD'S TIMING IS PERFECT!!!!!! Okay but also, went on unplanned divisions on Thursday, and it was the BEST DAY EVER!!!! We taught three amazing lessons back to back!!! And one was with V, the antigua that asked us to come back and teach her! And we taught her all of lesson one and it was AMAZING!!!! And little Victoria, an investigator of the hermanas, got baptized this Saturday! And I had our regular every- 3- months interview with President this week and he is SO inspired and said exactly what I needed to hear! And I LOVE MY HERMANAS!!!! They themselves are miracles for me!!! And wow. Yup. There's a lot more but I just can't think of them right now! Oh yeah, the lady with the cake, remember her? Her name is B. and she lives with her husband and she is actually part of a church with 12 apostles and everything and they are like sharing their gospel with all their neighbors and they write down a prayer list and so basically their church is our church without the authority of God because they follow exactly what Christ established or so they think.... Haha, but they are super nice and we have a lesson with them today so we will see! But MIRACLES MAN!!!! Oh, the last miracle is that Mir. came to the surprise party we threw for Hermana Darley!!!
So yeah! This week was so packed with fun and miracles! I had days where I worked so hard I didn't even have time to think about myself! I decided I really love service! And I am a lot happier when I just focus literally everything on others! Because these are amazing people I get to work with!!! But yeah! This week we found people, learned to make Calzones Rotos with Hermana Solange, laughed, cried, sang at a baptism, Crashed the ward 80s dance without actually dancing, had an amazing interview with President, found this burger place with the Hermanas and they have a burger that is SO GOOD called the Gringa :) and I somehow managed to plan and pull of a surprise party for my companion!!! What an incredible week!!!!
Anyways you can add anything you want from my journal!!! (So this next part is added from her journal pages about the surprise party):
…Then we followed them into the gym, then the Hermanas turn on the lights and BAM! Everyone’s there sitting in a circle! A bunch of members! And Mir. and P! And she started almost crying because she was so happy! She had no idea! And I was like, “That’s why I made you go into the gated community” and she just laughed and laughed! Oh man, it was so funny! And then for the “message” of this “noche de hogar” us 6 missionaries acted out missionary situations, like the kisses from men, messing up the language, not being able to enter the house, contacting with a cat, homemade remedies, etc! Oh, it was so funny! Everyone laughed and Mir. was like, “All of those situations happened in my house!” Haha…but it’s true! Then Elder Cabanay and Hermana Darley gave their “last testimonies” kind of thing and it was super sweet! Then we had treats! And everyone signed these giant super cute posters that we made for them! And we took LOTS of pictures! And Mir. and P had presents for her! And it was so super sweet and so fun! We just laughed and laughed and Hermana Darley felt so loved! YESSS! SUCCESS!!! …Everything turned out SO beautifully and perfect! God knows us! He has a plan! There’s a reason we are in the circumstances we are in, so let’s make the best of it, shall we?! I love this gospel! I never stop learning! It’s just too amazing!
But I LOVE YOU MOM!!!! I love you so much! Thank you for all your support!!!! I want to be a missionary like you someday!!!! Because you were amazing! Oh the last miracle this week! I was struggling with being bold, like starting conversations and everything, so I was praying really hard for the Lord to help me, and he totally has! My confidence is growing and I can feel him giving me courage!!!! But then again, I just have to remember... when it comes to someone's eternal salvation, nothing should be scary!! Because they need what I have!!! YEAH!!!! I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY!!!!!!!

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