This week has been absolutely amazing!! I cannot even begin to describe all the things I have learned! It truly has been a humbling week! It turns out, I was very comfortable where I was at, and I wasn´t really recognizing any of my weaknesses so I decided to pray and ask Heavenly Father what I needed to work on, and OH BOY did he show me!!! But I am so so grateful because as I have come to recognize my weaknesses, and that opens the opportunity to improve and progress! And now I know exactly what Heavenly Father expects of me in this moment!! It´s a beautiful thing!
So this week was a little sad as both of our fechas fell, but new opportunities have arisen as we have been continuing with our goal of finding 30 investigators in 30 days!!! This week we found J. y Y.!!! We went to the new neighborhood in our sector, said a prayer, and started contacting. The first 5 houses, nothing, but then Y. l answered the door, they let us in. They are Catholics and they are the cutest young family from Santiago. They have a son of 2 years, and they moved to Buin to basically start their lives! They bought their first house and got a new job and EVERYTHING!! When we shared the Book of Mormon with Y., I could not even believe how grateful she was! She thanked us and thanked us! We walked out of there saying ¨They are going to be baptized! They just look like members! ¨ And it´s true!!! They are so prepared for the gospel!!
Another moment of joy was hearing our investigator Ros., share her testimony in relief society about the prophet Joseph Smith, she KNOWS he is a prophet of God, and is so grateful for him and everything that was revealed through him, and she said she KNOWS this is the right path for her to take. YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN OUR FACES!!! Hermana Owen and I have probably not ever felt SO much joy together! She is so converted!!! She just needs to stop smoking and get married so she can get baptized! But she feels the truth! She knows it!!! What a joy it is to be a missionary!!!!!! I AM SO BLESSED!!!!!
I know this is the true gospel of Jesus Christ! I am learning SO MUCH!!! I am so grateful for my Savior, who is always there to help me, and show me what I can do, to become his daughter. I love him. And he loves all of you!! And I do too! Keep loving all those around you, and stay true to the faith!!! Have the best week ever!!!!!
Hermana Christensen

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