Wow okay! So this week has been crazy!!! Lots of good learning experiences!!! First of all my companions found out I was ticklish.... NOOOO hahaha oh man, its so funny!!!! And we almost died by like all kinds of dogs on Tuesday... but don´t worry everybody! I am alive and breathing!!!
But really I saw a lot of miracles and I am learning more how to listen to the spirit! Which is like the COOLEST THING EVER!!!!! We were contacting and I initiated contacts with a lady named B., who is the sweetest grandma you would ever meet, and she received us and we have had two lessons with her, and she read the pamphlet we gave her and tried to look up the scriptures and everything! So we invited her to church this week but it was her birthday and she had tons of family at her house so we called her and sang her happy birthday in English yesterday!!! AWWW I LOVE HER!!!! You don’t understand!!! And her granddaughter M. drew a picture of us!! So cute!!! But it was amazing because I really was led to her, and man, if there´s one thing I have learned on my mission so far, it´s that the Lord prepares people, and he prepares the way to find them! We just have to listen for the spirit to guide us! IT’S SO COOL!!!!!
I am so lucky to be in Machali!! First of all since it has rained so much and it’s getting cold, I can see snow on top of the mountains!!!! WOOOO I love it!!! I just want to go to the mountains so bad though!!
But I am also so lucky to be with my Hermanas, and I am learning so much from them!!! I want to be just like Hermana Al-Malki someday!!!! We got to have a heart to heart this week and man, she is so amazing!!!! Man I just feel like I am so little but I am learning so much! Every single day!!! And the Spanish is coming!!! I made a goal to read the Book of Mormon in two months... in Spanish... which is 11 pages a day... which is SO HARD but it has already helped me SO MUCH!!! With Spanish too! This week I really helped contribute to the lessons and extend invitations, and start them! I am finally learning how to be a real missionary!!! And I feel like I can almost understand everything!!! But man I have a long way to go! Baby steps!!!
Another fun thing this week was our giant plan of salvation we presented to P. (my best friend, she is an investigator of the other hermanas) and she told her parents she is getting baptized in two weeks! And she is amazing!!! She has such a strong testimony and is sharing it with EVERYONE!!!! I love that girl!

I just want to say before I leave, this work is so incredibly inspired! I cannot do this without Christ´s help!! I am SO grateful for the chance to be here and learn, and I have learned I absolutely cannot do this alone! And truly, the Lord is there to guide the way if we let him! We’ve just got to open our eyes and see the miracles in our lives because I promise they´re there!!!!! And we are God´s hands to bring about miracles in other people´s lives!
"God provides the means that man, through faith, might work mighty miracles; therefore he becometh a great benefit to his fellow beings." Mosiah 8:18
I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!! Have the best week EVER EVER EVER!!!! And go change someone´s life, okay? :)
Much love,
Hermana Christensen
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