SO MUCH FUN!!!! This week I had the reunion de Nuevos and I got to see Hermana Hilburn!!!!
It was the sweetest reunion ever!!! I love her so much! And it was so fun to see everyone after 6 weeks apart!!! They are all doing so good! District 7 going strong!!!
Yes! Cambios did happen! But I´m staying in Machali with Hermana Darley and Hermana Cook and Hermana Al Malki are staying with us in our house too!!! Miracles man!!!! I am so happy we are all staying!! We have SO much fun!!!
But yeah! Machali life is amazing!!! Especially in the rain because I LOVE the rain!!! I jump in puddles and sing hymns at the top of my lungs and laugh when people answer the doors and say "vayase por su casa!" because they think we are crazy to be out in the weather! Seriously Chilenos are allergic to rain! They cancel school because of rain!! haha but this rain was crazy!! All the streets were rivers! And we got hosed by the buses passing by many times!! :) And PS it’s funner when you scream when you get splashed!!!!
Yup!!! This week has been full of learning, miracles, and reunions with my CCM companions! I really really really am loving the mission! And I feel like I am learning so much about the gospel and just how amazing it is! I can´t imagine what my life would be like if I didn´t come on a mission!! I am so happy to be staying with Hermana Darley! I am learning so much from her, she is an absolutely incredible missionary!!! This week we found a bunch of nuevos!! First of all the Papa de M. He has recently started listening in on the lessons and participating. We invited both of them to baptism again, but again, they want a testimony and to be sure of themselves and the church before they commit to a date! But they are learning and progressing well! We just need to get her to church! She committed this week but then called and said her water was shut off so she couldn’t shower... she´s just scared to come to church! But she promised next week! So we are going to hold her too that! Other nuevos we found are J. and S. They both speak perfect English and want us to teach them in English! We had one lesson with them but we really are staring from the basics because they don´t believe in God. They are both young too, so we always need members with us! But N. and Sof. are our last nuevos. N. is the mom of Sof., and she works all day every day because she is separated from her husband. But we had a really amazing lesson with her last night! She has explored lots of different churches but hasn´t been baptized in any of them because she feels like baptism in a huge decision, it’s really important, but she knows she has to do it. She has so much faith and prays morning and night, and throughout the day! We invited her to baptism, and said, “Well, if you ask God, and get an answer that these things are true and you should be baptized, will you do it? “And she was like of course! Why would I not if he gives me an answer! And it was amazing!!! She really has something special! And her daughter too! The spirit was so strong in that lesson, and even though I can only bear a simple testimony, I bore it with all my heart, and I felt so full of love for her! I just want her to find the joy of the gospel! She said she is still waiting for like that click, when she knows which church is right, but she hasn´t found it yet, and I just wanted to scream, you can find it! We have it! But I didn´t... but I testified and it was a miracle lesson! And I learned bearing your testimony, ALWAYS makes you feel better! And brings the spirit!!! I love this gospel so much! It’s just so true it’s insane!!! I know that God is aware of his children and he prepares the way for them to receive the gospel when they are ready! I just hope N. can figure it out! But we are here to help her!
Oh and I forgot to mention... the other week this guy stopped us in the street, took our picture for his little web page thing, but wait... turns out it wasn´t some little web page! IT WAS LIKE THE REAL LIVE NEWS!!!! Ha-ha so there’s a beautiful picture of us soaked in the rain with no makeup that EVERYONE has seen!!!! All of Machali! Seriously all the members have seen it and shared it on Facebook! And every person we talk to mentions it! Ha-ha oh man too good! Its fine guys! I’m a celeb in Machali practically! ;) Just kidding but its hilarious!!!
Well that´s about it for this week! But just so you all know, this gospel is so true!!!! One thing I have learned this week is the best way to feel better is to share your testimony. Seriously. And we ALWAYS have the spirit with us to guide us! And oh how I have taken advantage of that great gift in the past but it is so real! This gospel is amazing and it changes lives! It really does. I have no doubt in my mind that this is the true church on this earth! I love it so much! And I can´t wait to share its hopeful message with others this cambio! I love you all! I´m always praying for you!!!! Remember, the church is true, the book is blue, and most important, GOD LOVES YOU!!!!
All the love in this little Chilean´s heart,
Hermana Christensen :)
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