Okay, okay, but on the reals, this was the BEST week of my mission so far!!! Man, I cannot even believe how much I have learned this past week! I feel like I am a totally new person!!! Haha, okay, just kidding. I’m still ‘lil old me! But HOLY COW THIS CHURCH IS AMAZING!!!!!!
Okay, quick summary and shout outs for this week! First of all, shout out to my awesome Grama Egan for sending me a sweet Valentine!!! AND Mary and Kyle for their awesome letter and gift!!! I was the happiest missionary when I got your mail! It was like Christmas morning!!! And Karina too!! For the sweet letter!!!! It’s so exciting!!!
Also!!! This mission president and president’s wife of Santiago Este are AWESOME!!! She was looking for me because she’s Melanie’s roommate’s parents! Haha -anyways I love them and they gave the BEST Devotional on Sunday night!!! Truly inspired!!!!
Elder Rasband |
Also we watched an AMAZING devotional from Elder Rasband on Sunday, and I saw a bunch of friends that are at the Provo MTC right now!!! So cool!!!! I spazzed out every time I saw someone I knew! Also, he is one of my new favs! If any of you guys are excited about missionary work, read his talk from Conference 2010 called “The Divine Call of a Missionary” or something like that!!! IT’S SO COOL!!!!
Elder Bednar |
Okay, okay, so I know you’re probably wondering about Elder Bednar, yes. He is one of my fav apostles too!!!! So it was Friday night and President was being all secretive, and it turns out it was because THE APOSTLE ELDER BEDNAR WAS NEXT DOOR IN THE CHAPEL!!!!! Well ya see rumors spread fast in a CCM with only like 40 people, so we were all buzzing like “Oh my goodness, we could see and Apostle!!!!” Anyways! He really was next door to speak to all the Stake Presidents, but we weren’t supposed to know or see him at all. But our sweet little district all kneeled down and prayed that if it be the Lords will, that we would have to opportunity to see him. So we prayed and went on with our night, and when it came time to plan at 9:30 we heard Hermana Brady come in the building, and she said we could go line up to wave goodbye to him!!!! SOO COOL!!!! So we were all waiting outside and then OUT WALKS ELDER BEDNAR!!!!! HE’S LIKE 50 FEET AWAY FROM ME!!!! He gets in the car and starts to drive down the road, and then when he sees all of us lined up, he stops the car, AND GETS OUT!!! And he walks up to the missionaries and starts shaking each one by the hand!!! It was so exciting!!! You could just feel of his goodness!!!! And my sweet comp Hermana Hilburn has never met an apostle in her life; the best part of this whole experience honestly was watching her! He came to Hermana Hilburn, and since we were American, he stopped and talked to us!!! He called us by name, and asked where we were from and said it was nice to meet us, but he did it to each person individually!!! It was so cool! I know he is an apostle of the Lord and he did exactly what Christ would have done in that situation and he made all our dreams come true, in Santiago Chile, on an ordinary Friday night!
Yeah. that. was. awesome. Awesome week. With an exciting ending!!! I’m learning so much!!! It’s awesome! I’m gonna miss these batch of Latinos leaving this week! Even if they were crazy, like literally crazy, like one of them had a goal to bite the president..... and he bit his companion several times.... haha so funny! But yeah. But I love it here at the CCM!!! I’ll be so sad to leave but so excited too! These last two weeks are only in Spanish!!!! WISH ME LUCK!!!! Love you all! You’re all in my prayers and thank you for all the love and support you have shown me!!!! THE CHURCH IS TRUE, THE BOOK IS BLUE, SEE YOU IN (less than) TWO!!!!!
All my love,
Hermana Christensen
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