****Just a note: Ashley's brother Brandon got married last weekend. We had a cardboard cut-out made of her so that she could be with us, even if just in cardboard form, for the wedding festivities! (See pics below!)****
Hello family and friends!!!
This week: Contacting every day, giving away SO many Book of Mormons! Two gringas running wild in Rauquen.... but literally running every morning! So much learning, so much love, so much faith, so many scriptures, special training for Coordinadoras, the best companion ever, and A WEDDING PARTY all the way in Chile with Hermana E. because her sister was getting married too! :)
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Hermana Christensen and Hermana E. made "wedding cake" and a wedding sign for their siblings who both got married (to different people) on Saturday in the Salt Lake Temple! |
Okay, I don´t know how this keeps happening but every cambio just gets better and better and this week I feel like a whole new Hermana Christensen! I really feel like I am giving my whole heart to the Lord. And I know I say that every week but this week for real, so much has changed for me! I don´t feel fear anymore, well a little bit, sometimes, but really, I feel like my faith has grown ten thousand times! I finally feel like I have confidence in the Lord´s promises, because I see him helping me so much! He really does put the thoughts in your head and the words in your mouth that these people need to hear, and I have felt the fulfilling of that promise more this week than any other time in my mission!! I Love being a missionary!!
Okay, I don´t know what I did to deserve a companion like Hermana G. She was an answer to my prayers!! WE ARE LIKE THE SAME PERSON!!! She is from Utah, went to Lone Peak, and is really athletic! I found out she runs marathons, but man she is incredible! Literally like the person I want to be when I grow up!!! SERIOUSLY!!!! I love her with my whole heart! It´s like a dream to be her companion, and to work with her!!! We are growing so much together!! We aren´t perfect, but one thing I love about us is that we both want to change and improve, so when we makes mistakes, we analyze why, and then make the changes to not do it again... but it actually works!!! AHH I LOVE HER!!! God loves me so much!!! I am learning so much from her. She´s perfect!!!
Okay our sector! So we have seen SO many miracles in our sector this week!! O. and E., our fechas, they are progressing so much. They came to church in their best dress this week! It warmed my heart!! I was so happy!! They are really searching, really trying to prepare themselves for baptism, but yesterday was amazing. E. explained how he believes Joseph Smith was a prophet because the Holy Ghost testified to him. He loved the verses we left in Mosiah 18, that say "if this be the desire of your heart, what have ye against being baptized?" And he has fears, and doubts because he understands it’s a big commitment, but in the end, shared this verse, and said "realmente que me impede?" AHH ellos son TAN buenos!! They are preparing diligently, and we are doing everything to help them be prepared!!! They are an amazing family! Other than them, we haven´t had much time to work in our sector, but we have taught some lessons with our other investigators, and yesterday we found Stef.. She is escogido for sure! We shared the Book of Mormon and she gladly accepted!! We also had capillas abiertas in Alameda this weekend, and we brought two 15 year old girls to the chapel, and they both left with Book of Mormons and told us how excited they were to go to church the next day!! MIRACLES!! We also found a man that lives in our sector, who was so grateful and anxious to receive the Book of Mormon, and started reading as soon as we left, ANOTHER MIRACLE!!! And we shared three other Book of Mormons in that time, and one more for the taxi driver on the way back home, he was so excited and said he was committed to read it before we could even invite him to read it! MIRACLES!! I know this work is so inspired! It´s so crazy! I can FEEL the power of God directing us! It´s crazy! I feel like I am not doing anything! The Lord prepares everything and I am just here to follow his perfect plan!
I am so so grateful for this gospel and for the Book of Mormon. It has changed my life!!! I love my Savior Jesus Christ! He has saved my soul and all I want to do is be a missionary forever!!! I actually want to be one of the three Nephites. Me and Hermana G. are going to join them I think :)
I love you all!!! Have the best Thanksgiving weekend!!! Eat lots of turkey for me! :)
All the love in this lil’ Chilean´s heart,
Hermana Christensen :)
Cardboard Hermana Christensen made it to Brandon's wedding festivities! |
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