OH MY! THE MISSION IS SO CRAZY!!! So for a quick lil' sum up of everything that happened, first of all this week we put a baptismal date with an investigator, then found out that he assisted in robbery that night, and he´s moving. Wow. Ha-ha and C... she has some other complications, but every time a door closes another one opens! Remember I., our miracle? We put a fecha with him! And his sister and uncle are investigating now too! SO MANY MIRACLES I CANT BELIEVE IT!!!!
Sadly, I am changing sectors, but I will be in the same ward- so COOL!!! My compi is staying and training a gringita!!! And I am going to be a Coordinadora with Hermana Morales!!! Which means I get to see Hermana Al Malki!!! YAAAA!!!! But I am so excited for this opportunity to learn and grow!
Wow. I can´t believe this cambio is over, but I am so excited to apply everything I have learned to what´s ahead! I don´t feel like the same missionary at the beginning of this cambio, because I have learned so much from this sector, my amazing companion, and most of all from the Lord. The Lord has blessed me to see so many miracles, I feel so grateful to be a part of this great work!!
Our little Rauquen C is progressing! I am so happy! I would have never imagined everything that would happen 6 weeks ago, but wow. The mission is crazy right??! But, remember I.? He is SO prepared for the gospel, more than anyone else I have met thus far in my mission, and we put a fecha with him, but this lesson his uncle and sister were present, and he bore his testimony about how he prayed and received an answer and they can too! HE BORE HIS TESTIMONY IN THE SECOND LESSON!!! He is sooooo good!!! I can´t believe it!! He is going to change so many people´s lives when he goes on his mission!!! But with our Menos Activos, we have about 4 who are progressing, and have plans to help then attend the temple! I am so grateful for all the amazing people in our sector, and I know Hermana Franco will continue to work hard to help them progress. This work is so amazing!
All in all, I am SO grateful for this amazing cambio, amazing sector, and amazing companion and that I had the opportunity to serve in little Rauquen C! This really is the work of the Lord, I have no doubt about it. I am so happy to be a missionary!!
Wow. I can´t believe it! This next cambio is gonna be crazy but I am SO EXCITED AND SO PUMPED!!!! I LOVE THIS WORK AND I LOVE THE MISSION!!!! And I love you all so much!!! Keep sharing Christ´s light! You never know who´s heart you might touch! :)
All my love,
This lil' Hermana Christensen :)
And here is a snippet from her journal pages about her new assignment as a Sister Training Leader (Coordinadora):
"So regarding my new assignment as Coordinadora, Wow. I only have 6 months in the field. I am now a team with Hermana Morales and we are in charge of Alameda and Ranquen, 2 zones, so all of Curico. I am now expected to do divisions, receive revelation and give counsel to all of the sisters in 2 zones. I know the Lord is going to have to help me a lot! Because that’s scary! But it’s going to be a GREAT opportunity to learn and serve. I know it! But wow. I am not ready. I gotta step up my game! But I’m so excited, too! Wow. Crazy. 5th Cambio here I come! One thing Hermana Al-Malki told me that always resonated with me was: “The Lord does not call those who are ready, but those who are willing to do the work.” I’M WILLING! LET’S DO THIS!"
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Spring has sprung! |
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A visit to Rancagua with her CCM sisters! |
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Cute companions! |
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With Hermana B in Rancagua! |
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