Hey Mom! Wow this week has been absolutely so completely crazy I cannot even believe it!!! It´s so crazy though! I don´t feel like the same missionary that I was the last cambio!!! So much has happened and sadly I haven´t had any time to write in my journal so it’s kind of lame, but I will try to write as much as I can now!!
Wow, already this cambio has been more than I could have ever imagined! I have learned so much in just one week and I can´t believe how blessed I am to be with the people I am with learning the things I am learning! I learned so much, and I have seen the differences in the work as I have tried to apply the things I learned! I am more than happy! This week our companionship studies have totally changed! Instead of just doing some practicas, it´s changed into a learning opportunity of spiritual growth!
To answer your questions:
1. Ignacio is so good! This week he came to church as is becoming friends with the other guys in young mens! I know he is going to get baptized! He is amazing! But I´m sad that I can´t teach him since I’m not longer in his sector :(
2. My new sector is awesome! We have about 5 investigators, none are progressing because they didn´t come to church, but it doesn´t mean we aren´t seeing miracles!
3. My companion is amazing! She is such an amazing teacher! She knows how to help the people open up! It´s incredible!! Hermana Morales is probably one of the most Christ-like people I have every met! And she is SO focused on the work! I have learned so much from her in just one week! She is always serving, loving, helping and working to improve! We are a great team! I feel totally grateful to have her as my companion! I don´t know what I did to deserve her! SHE IS A MIRACLE!!!! SHE IS TOTALLY INCREDIBLE!!!!!! I LOVE my companion! I do not know what I did to deserve a companion so focused, so Christ-like, and so full of love. I have already learned so much from her in just one week! I feel like this cambio we were put together to work. Really really work. And It´s amazing because this cambio I put a goal to completely forget myself in the work. Completely and entirely give my whole heart to the Lord. And with Hermana Morales, it´s so easy to forget about myself, and give all my efforts to help others! I feel so blessed!
4. I have been doing amazing! I feel like I have really stepped up my game as a missionary!!! It´s been amazing! I love my compi! And I love Hermana Ellingson, she is also from Utah and is like... PERFECT!!! She is amazing! She is Hermana Franco’s new compi! And they love each other SO much!
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Reunited with Hermana A. at the Leader training meeting |
5. Okay, as coordinadoras (sister training leaders), there used to be just one in each zone. But now we are a team and over 2 zones! I am so grateful for that! We have had lots of trainings and it’s been incredible because my whole vision of the mission has changed, and I realized how much I can improve, and WOW I LOVE THIS GOSPEL!!! We have lots of goals to help the Hermanas this cambio! In our Leaders Meeting with Elder Mesias and Elder Porter, we learned a lot, and this cambio they invited us to focus completely on the missionaries and their conversion, and how we can help them really give their hearts to the Lord. Hermana Morales and I planned out our intercambios (exchanges with the other sisters) for this cambio and called all the Hermanas in our zones. Other goals included that we decided to think about and pray for one girl in specific every day of the week, and to really focus on them and how we can help them. Also, we made a SWOT chart with Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats for each Hermana so we can recognize how we can help them reach their potential and strengthen their weaknesses. I love our Hermanas! They are amazing! But yeah! This week we will be starting intercambios and then we will really see how we can help them! I love them! And I love being a missionary!!!
But wow, that´s about it for this week! I am really exciting for all the amazing things that are going to happen this cambio! I LOVE this gospel, and I know the only way to truly be happy is when we give the Lord our heart, because he will make so much more out of us than we can make for ourselves! Thank you mom, you are amazing! I love you so much!!!