DUDE THIS HAS BEEN THE BEST WEEK OF MY LIFE!!!!!! And oh yeah by the way, Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone!!! I hope it was you best one yet 'cuz it was definitely mine!!!
So quick highlights from this week! I rolled my ankle playing soccer with the Latinos, YEAH!!!! It happened right after I just beat like 4 Latinos with my killer footwork.... so it was just me and the goalie.... I kicked it up did a backflip backwards scissor kick to score the game winning goal with just seconds left to play, came down on my ankle, but finished the goal!!! THE CROWD WENT WILD!!! Haha, okay, jk jk. I ’m not that cool, but I did roll my ankle and it was like a grapefruit for about 4 days! haha [And Ashley told me in her response to my letter that sadly they are not allowed to play soccer or basketball anymore :( so now they just speed-walk for exercise]
Valentine ’s Day was awesome! And Hermana Brady [the MTC president’s wife] made us all homemade Swig cookies! And she heart attacked our doors, and their sweet Down syndrome daughter Annie even gave me a Valentine!!! She is the sweetest spirit. I love her so much!!!!
Heart-attacked on Valentine's Day! |
Oh also, we switched teachers this week and my new teacher is SO COOL!!!! He’s like a Chilean church celeb pretty much!! He sings the Spanish version of “Glorious” and “Arise and Shine” on the EFY CDs, and he sang for us in class and he sounds like an angel!!!! AND on top of everything else, he’s gonna be on “The Voice” for South America! He’s so cool and so spiritual!!! And he’s just so happy all the time!!!
The MTC here is so cool ‘cuz it’s really small , so we are all so close! I love it! But really quick, I just wanted to share a quick little proud moment for Hermana Christensen! So President was talking to us on Sunday, and he was saying that when we get out there, it’s gonna be hard, but we always need to be happy and excited about the work, especially when we are talking to people, and he was saying, some days you might have to fake that smile, and then he paused, looked right at me, and said "Well, probably not YOU!" Haha, it was awesome!!! Haha, it’s kinda nice to be noticed for just being happy!! Haha! So 10 points for Ashley!!! Shoutout from the Prez!!! Haha
Okay, time is running out, but I just wanted to share something spiritual real quick! We did this circle thing in class where we all teach our teacher like he is the investigator and he just calls on people randomly to pick up teaching where the other left off. So it was my turn, and I shared a scripture from the Book of Mormon with him, promised blessings like your typical missionary would do, but then he asked me how I knew the Book of Mormon was true, and the coolest thing happened! I didn't even feel like I was talking in Spanish, the words just came, but I just started testifying of my testimony of the Book of Mormon and how I received a confirmation from the Holy Ghost that is was true, and the spirit was like BAM!!!!!!! SO STRONG!!!! Man it was like the coolest thing ever!!! I was feeling it, and my investigator was too, and I was just like man, this church is so true. And after I was like, I wanna do that again!!!!
Anyways!!!! I love you all so so much!!! Thank you so much for the love and support!!! I learn so much more everyday!!!! I LOVE MY MISSION!!!!! Best decision of my life!!!! Can't wait to get out in the field! Just three weeks left! Okay, I’ve really gotta go now! Love you all!!! Never give up ‘cuz God is always on your side cheering you on!!!
Hermana Christensen
P-Day outing! |
***And in her response to my letter, I asked her what was the biggest take away so far from the MTC and she replied:
Biggest take aways from my MTC experience, Hmmm, I definitely know that Heavenly Father is so loving, so merciful, and that He is waiting for every chance He can get to let us know that He loves us. I have totally felt His love more than ever before in my life!!! And oh my heaven, I LOVE THE BOOK OF MORMON!!!!! SOOOOO MUCH!!! Seriously, I always loved the scriptures you know, but now I am like HOLY COW, THESE THINGS ARE SO TRUE!!!!! Man, they are amazing!!! And prayer. Prayer is such an amazing tool!!!! It's so crazy! Some nights I will pray for like a straight 15 or 20 minutes!!!! But overall, I feel like the biggest take away is LOVE--Heavenly Father's love for me and for all people! I am already learning to love in a way like never before!!!! THE CHURCH IS SO TRUE!!! I am so lucky to have it! Everyone should have it!!!!
I LOVE MY LIFE AND MY SAVIOR AND THIS GOSPEL!!!!! This is exactly where I'm supposed to be and I'm just so full of love!!! So, so full of love!!!!!!